This guide was created by LaurieAnn Scher, MS, RD, CDCES. As a Diabetes specialist, LaurieAnn works in the diabetes technology health space with organizations to help health care providers and people with Diabetes to integrate digital solutions into Diabetes self-management.
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The idea for this guide originated at the EasterHack hackathon organized by Hacking Health Berlin when 150 people from 20 nationalities came together to explore and create solutions for the protection of high-risk populations. The EasterHack was a result of a partnership with the Charité University Hospital Berlin, the Berlin Institute of Health, Vision Health Pioneers, Diabetes Center Berne, HARTMANN GROUP, Dutch Hacking Health and Data Natives Hacking Health.
Aaron Dey has supported LaurieAnn to create this guide. Aaron creates digital products and services and is passionate about creating sustainable community lead solutions.
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Images on this site and guide used with thanks.